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Since the launch of KOY Clothing in December 2016, we have had significant demand from women asking us - ‘When are you launching womenswear?’. Well, the answer is… NOW!!
We are extremely excited to announce the launch of our first ever womenswear collection for spring summer this year! (2019).
The products include:
  • SPORTING JACKETS: Vibrant and well fitted sporting jackets made from the authentic African fabric ‘Kikoy’
  • SHIRTS: Nicely cut shirts made from the stunning and super soft ‘Kikoy’ fabric
  • POLOS: Well fitted 100% cotton polos with subtle touches of the authentic African fabric ‘Kikoy’
All the ‘Kikoy’ fabric has been sourced locally in Kenya. We have taken huge care over the production process of this stunning fabric to ensure the quality, feel and vibrancy stays the same, whilst preventing any shrinkage and colour running.
Both the jackets and shirts are made in Italy!
Keeping with our brand ethos, 5% of all sales will go towards projects within the communities of Kenya that inspire us and our designs.
Make sure you #WatchThisSpace for more info and imagery coming very soon!
Please don’t hesitate to get in contact if you have any questions about our up and coming collections.
With love from Kenya,

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